The Iota Xi Chapter (#230) was installed at Elon University on October 24, 2009. The Theta Zeta Chapter at North Carolina A&T State University performed the Ritual and installation ceremony and Vice President for Colonization and Membership Dawn Farmer was the installing officer. Tau Beta Sigma member Linetta Ratliff (11/5/08- 4/15/08) and National President Dollie O’Neill(4/15/09- 10/24/09) served as the colony advisors. Charter members include: Carolyn VanBrocklin, Christine Thompkins, Erin Southard, Erin Silva, Michelle Scovill, Karen Scovill, Vanessa Ponce, Kelsey Murphy, Jordan McNeill, Jacqueline Higgins, Leah Fulbright, Kaitlyn Fay, Brooke Dyson, Casey Collins, Lauren Chambers, and Tony Sawyer.