The Beta Phi chapter (#69) was re-installed at Florida A&M University on February 12, 2011 at the SED District Leadership Conference. SED Counselors Renee Cartee and Crystal Wright served as the installing officers, with Crystal Wright also having served as the colony advising person. The Alpha Omega chapter from Florida State University served as the advising chapter and performed the Ritual and installation ceremony. Charter members include: Camye Renee White, Devan Moore, Jessica D. Legree, Shayla D. Baylock, Alyssa Michelle Rose, Corinthia Myrick, Honesty Brennan, Mesely Alexandra Lubin, Deswin Mathews, Molly Beauchamp, Jessica Renee Jenkins, Lorraine Sheppard, Lauren C. Johnson, Ashley Jones, and Christina A. Roye.