Past National Presidents
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Doris Ragsdale Kochanek Beta 1946-47 |
Doris Ragsdale Kochanek, President of her Chapter at Texas Tech University, presided over the first National Convention of Tau Beta Sigma. The meeting convened on the Texas Tech campus immediately following the installation of the Beta Chapter, May 4,1946. While three other Chapters had not yet been installed, their petitioning documents had been approved, and a complete slate of Officers was elected to head the new national society. Doris Ragsdale Kochanek was elected as National President. National Trustees were also selected at this convention. Serving in this capacity were Bohumil Makovsky, Head of the OSU Music Department; D. O. Wiley, Texas Tech Director of Bands; Hugh McMillen, Director of Bands at the University of Colorado; and Dr. F. Lee Bowling, Grand President of Kappa Kappa Psi. A. Frank Martin was appointed to serve as National Executive Secretary for the Sorority and to act as editor for all Tau Beta Sigma contributions to The Podium.
It was voted by the delegates that the next Tau Beta Sigma National Convention should be held at the same time and place as the next National Convention of Kappa Kappa Psi. The Convention delegates further voted to request permission to share in the publications of Kappa Kappa Psi and to have the Sorority pay a prorated share of all expenses incurred by the National Executive Secretary and the National Office on its behalf.
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Suzanne Wetmore Larsen Gamma 1947-49 |
Suzanne Wetmore Larson, a member at the University of Colorado, presided at the 1947 Second National Convention in the absence of Doris Ragsdale Kochanek. Held in Stillwater at Oklahoma State University, separate sessions were programmed for each society, with joint meetings where appropriate. This established precedents in mutual cooperation and shared concerns, which characterizes the relationships of both national organizations to this date. The institution of a shared National Executive Secretary and National Office became firmly fixed in the Sorority structure. The principle of meeting expenses on a prorated basis was also officially incorporated into the national organization‚s operations.
The Kappa Kappa Psi delegates at the 1947 Fraternity Convention officially voted to accept Tau Beta Sigma as a sister organization, and extended in perpetuity to the new Sorority the courtesy of sharing in all of its publications and in the National Intercollegiate Band program. The contributions of Grand President F. Lee Bowling, of Kappa Kappa Psi should be especially noted. It was his patience, competence, and concerned guidance that secured for the Sorority the necessary action taken by Kappa Kappa Psi to include Tau Beta Sigma in its national programs of service to bands. In later years, appropriate recognition was bestowed upon Dr. Bowling by both organizations when he received the Fraternity‚s “Distinguished Service to Music Medal‰ not only as founder of the NIB, but also for having so greatly aided the establishment of the National Sorority.
Miss Wetmore also presided over the Third Biennial Convention, which was held on the campus of the University of Colorado in 1949. One of the highlights of the convention was the presentation of a model Ritual, which helped to provide a standard for initiation ceremonies in the future. Dr. William D. Revelli served as guest conductor of the National Intercollegiate Band, with the finale concert being presented at the Red Rocks Amphitheater near Denver before an audience of over 10,000 people.
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Dorothy Allen Nichols Delta 1949-51 |
Dorothy Allen Nichols was a Charter member at the University of Oklahoma. Under her administration, eighteen new chapters were installed and the petitioning requirements refined to allow for others to enter the Sorority in an organized manner. Mrs. Nichols presided over the Fourth Biennial Convention held on the campus of Indiana University. The Alpha Delta Chapter was officially installed at the convention, with members of the Chi Chapter giving the initiation service. Dr. Thor Johnson, director of the Cincinnati Symphony, served as guest conductor of the National Intercollegiate Band.
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Frances Martin Lumly Alpha 1951-53 |
Frances Martin Lumly was a Charter member at Oklahoma State University and the daughter of A. Frank Martin. She presided over Sorority affairs and saw ten new Chapters enter the ranks of Tau Beta Sigma. The Fifth Biennial Convention was convened at Texas Tech in June of 1953, with Mrs. Lumly presiding.
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Norma Eiring Parrish Beta 1953-55 |
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Janet West Miller Iota 1955-57 |
Janet West Miller was from Baylor University. Ten new chapters joined the Sorority during her administration, which featured a closer cooperation with the Fraternity in joint ventures. This cooperation was emphasized by the inauguration of Fraternity-Sorority joint panel presentations during the Seventh Biennial Convention held at the University of Utah, over which she presided.
Lt. Col. William F. Santelmann, conductor of the United States Marine Band, served as guest conductor of the National Intercollegiate Band and the noted composer-arranger, Robert Russell Bennett, commissioned Symphonic Songs for Band, which entered the concert band literature, and soon became a standard piece in college band literature.
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Paula Cox Reed Upsilon 1957-59 |
Paula Cox Reed became the Sorority’s seventh National President. During her administration, the Sorority made its first contribution to the proposed John Phillip Sousa Memorial of the new Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. For the first time since the program‚s inception, Tau Beta Sigma was also financially able to contribute to the commissioning fund.
Miss Reed presided over the Eighth Biennial Convention, held on the campus of Florida State University in August of 1959. Paul Creston was commissioned to present a new band composition, and also accepted the invitation to serve as guest conductor of the National Intercollegiate Band. Prelude and Dance was premiered by the NIB which rapidly became another of the recognized “standard‰ works for concert band.
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Barbara Wilson Trautwein Chi 1959-61 |
Barbara Wilson Trautwein went to Ohio State University. Under her reign, nine new Chapters joined Tau Beta Sigma, bringing the total number of charters granted to seventy-four. Barbara presided over the Ninth Biennial Convention at Wichita State University.
Dr. Richard Franko Goldman, director of the famed Goldman Band of New York City, served as guest conductor of the National Intercollegiate Band and was initiated into both the Fraternity and Sorority at special ceremonies during the convention. Dr. Goldman presented us with his own at-the-time unpublished composition, which he chose to dedicate to the Fraternity and Sorority. The National Intercollegiate Band March was premiered at the finale concert, in lieu of the regularly commissioned work, which internationally famous composer Howard Hanson had been too ill to complete.
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Sybil Ingle Snyder Alpha Mu 1961-63 |
Sybil Ingle Snyder was from Wichita State University. During her administration, closer ties with the Fraternity created the “unified‰ National Office and fraternal magazine, which continued to draw individual chapters together into a national entity. Seven new chapters entered the bonds of Tau Beta Sigma and the Tenth Biennial Convention at the University of Arizona in Tucson was, at that time, the best-attended in Sorority history.
The “Chapter-Leadership Trophy,” recognizing the most outstanding chapter in the nation during the past biennium, was established by Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank Martin, with the stipulation that the Sorority assume responsibility for its biennial presentation beginning in 1967. The award was specifically instituted to recognize the “top‰ chapter in the nation, and is considered the highest distinction an Active Chapter can receive in Tau Beta Sigma.
Clifton Williams, composer in residence at the University of Texas, accepted the commission and Symphonic Essays was premiered by the NIB under the baton of Comdr. Charles Brendler. It was at the 1963 Convention that Kappa Kappa Psi past Grand President J. Lee Burke instituted the “Burke Trophy for Chapter Display,” both as a tribute to the many fine displays at the Convention, and to encourage this type of convention participation in the future.
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Josephine Walker Wayman Alpha Alpha 1963-65 |
Josephine Walker Wayman is a former sponsor of the Alpha Alpha Chapter. She was one of the Sorority‚s most energetic advocates. Several chapters were reactivated and five new ones installed during her tenure. Mrs. Walker represented the Sorority on the joint Fraternity-Sorority committee, which searched for and selected a new National Executive Secretary upon the retirement in 1964 of Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank Martin from their staff positions at the National Office in Stillwater.
During her tenure, the National Office was moved from its long-time location in the Martin’s home, to offices on the Oklahoma State University campus, presented to the Fraternity and Sorority by the University Administration and Board of Regents.
Vaclav Nehlybel was selected as composer of the “Commissioned Work‰ and presented his Symphonic Requiem, a unique work utilizing revolutionary concepts in bandstration. Mr. Nehlybel also served as conductor of the National Intercollegiate Band. The Beta Kappa Chapter of the University of Southern Mississippi earned the coveted Chapter Leadership Trophy for the biennium, presented to them at the Convention Banquet by Mr. and Mrs. Martin.
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Mary Lu Brooks Upsilon 1965-67 |
Mary Lu Brooks presided over Sorority affairs with constant encouragement and support. The services of the National Office were expanded and more clearly defined. A greater degree of standardization and accountability on the part of the local chapters became the hallmark of her administration. Tau Beta Sigma became part of several national music organizations, and, together with the Fraternity, was recognized as ‘the student voice’ in the college band.
Miss Brooks chaired the sessions of the Twelfth Biennial Convention, which convened at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. Gunther Schuller premiered his new composition for band, Study in Textures, and Keith Wilson and Sigurd Rascher appeared on the National Intercollegiate Band program as guest conductor and guest artist respectively. Several new district and constitutional changes highlighted convention sessions and the Psi Chapter at the University of Arkansas was selected as the top chapter in the nation for the 1965-1967 biennium.
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Patsy Drury Hejl Beta Gamma 1967-69 |
Patsy Drury Hejl assumed the leadership of the Sorority at the TCU Convention. Mrs. Hejl served with distinction as National President during a period which saw the Sorority gaining a higher degree of acceptance in professional musical circles and enjoying much greater recognition for its services to the college and university bands.
The Sorority participated in more than a dozen different national conferences concerning music and music related matters. During this period, too, the national organization suffered a series of serious financial setbacks, out of which Mrs. Hejl‚s calm leadership, careful consideration, and faith in the active and alumnae membership of the Sorority welded the organization together into a stronger, more vital force in the collegiate band world.
Tau Beta Sigma formally acknowledged the Golden Anniversary of the founding of Kappa Kappa Psi with the gift of a set of Fraternity Ritual robes. Although joining fully in the 50th Anniversary celebrations for their Kappa Kappa Psi brothers, solid plans for the Sorority‚s own Silver Anniversary Convention in 1971 were formulated by convention delegates. Mrs. Hejl presided over convention sessions highlighted by in-depth discussions concerning Tau Beta Sigma and its future. The Chapter Leadership Trophy was awarded to the Alpha Delta Chapter of Ohio University, and Norman Dello Joio conducted his own premiere performance of our seventh commission, Songs of Abelard. Leonard Smith also participated as guest clinician and soloist with the National Intercollegiate Band.
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Ladine Bennett Housholder Omega 1969-71 |
Ladine Bennett Housholder served during the Silver Anniversary celebrations of the Sorority and became the first National President to have traveled widely across the nation. Under her administration contacts were re-established with all of the Sorority‚s past National Presidents. Wava Banes Turner, founder of Tau Beta Sigma, was honored at the National Biennial Convention at the University of Michigan. Twenty new charters were granted during Mrs. Housholder‚s tenure and the concert march Tau Beta Sigma, by Donald I. Moore, was commissioned by her to commemorate the founding of the Sorority.
W. Francis McBeth served as the commissioned composer-conductor of the 1971 NIB, and The Seventh Seal received its premiere performance during the formal NIB concert. During convention activities the women of the Beta Delta Chapter, Texas Christian University, were awarded the Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award of Tau Beta Sigma.
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Sharon E. Lebsack Alpha Alpha 1971-73 |
Sharon E. Lebsack successfully headed the Sorority in its programs and activities. During her term in office, Sharon encouraged a ‘self-study’ by individual chapters to allow local units to determine real strengths and weaknesses in the Sorority‚s structure. The 1973 National Convention at the University of Connecticut witnessed the premiere performance of Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Orchestra by Karel Husa. The performance marked the ninth work commissioned by the fraternal organizations. The women of the Alpha Xi Chapter from Bowling Green State University received the Tau Beta Sigma Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award for exceptional service to their band program during the 1971-1973 biennium.
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Dr. Carol Blain Beta 1973-75 |
Carol Blain, assumed the duties of her office as National President of the Sorority during the 1973 National Convention. Carol first came to the Council in 1969, and had participated vigorously in all phases of the Sorority operation. Despite changes at the National Office, the 1973-1975 biennium was exemplified by continued growth and unequaled spirit. During 1975 Convention proceedings at the University of Houston, the Beta Chapter was presented the Tau Beta Sigma Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award for service to the Texas Tech University band program.
The 1975 National Convention hailed the premiere performance of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, by Dr. Martin Mailman. This commissioned work for the National Intercollegiate Band was one of over fifty works composed by Dr. Mailman during the previous twenty-five years.
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Rebecca Hartman Psi 1975-77 |
Rebecca Hartman brought to her office many years of service at the local, district, and national levels. The tireless efforts and unequaled enthusiasm of Becky Hartman strengthened Sorority ties and improved vital lines of communication between the National Council and the Active membership.
During the 1977 National Convention activities, the Beta Sigma Chapter of Purdue University was awarded the Tau Beta Sigma Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award for its exemplary operation and service to the band.
The 1977 commissioned work by Claude T. Smith was entitled, Symphony #1 for Band. The National Intercollegiate Band performed the new work in Royce Hall on the UCLA campus before a very enthusiastic and receptive audience. In addition to the normal NIB concerts, a special concert was performed before a very large crowd at Disneyland. The guest conductor for the band was Mr. Carmen Dragon of the Glendale Symphony Orchestra.
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Nadine Dorschler Sigma 1977-79 |
Under the leadership of Nadine, the Sorority successfully adjusted to the concept of open membership. All former membership restrictions were removed and chapters were afforded the opportunity to initiate male members of the band. The national fee structure was aligned and all former indebtedness of the Sorority was eliminated during the biennium. The Tau Beta Sigma Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award was presented to the Xi Chapter of West Texas State University.
Under the direction of Donald E. McGinnis, serving as guest conductor, the 1979 National Intercollegiate Band performed in the Atlanta Memorial Arts Center. The commissioned work by Fisher Tull entitled Prelude and Double Fugue received a warm and enthusiastic response. The work has been published by Boosey and Hawkes which undoubtedly allow it to receive the exposure, which it merits.
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Connie G. Reishus Gamma Zeta 1979-81 |
Connie G. Reishus was elected to the Tau Beta Sigma presidency at the 1979 National Convention which convened on the Georgia Tech Campus in Atlanta, Georgia. During her term in office, Connie stressed “Service‰ to the Sorority and band, and called for a reassessment of leadership positions within the Sorority as well as a reevaluation of all Sorority programs.
Mary Jeanne van Appledorn’s LUX: Legend of I Sankta Lucia, received it‚s premiere performance by the National Intercollegiate Band in Corbett Auditorium on the University of Cincinnati campus. Dr. Gary Garner served as guest conductor and Dr. Terry Milligan provided support as the host conductor. Both NIB organizations performed during the traditional Thursday evening concert, which was well attended by convention participants and the Cincinnati community.
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Julie Ryan Kuhns Beta 1981-83 |
Julie Ryan Kuhns presided over the 1983 National Convention at Texas Tech University. She served on the National Council from 1975-1983 and had served as District VI Counselor prior to her election to the Council. Considerable membership growth and colonization marked the 1981-83 Biennium. Julie stressed the importance of achieving a balance between the support services for chapters and colonies and public relations within the music profession. During her term as President, pre-installation visitations were instituted, and the Sorority actively participated at various professional music meetings. For the first time Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi co-sponsored an advertisement in a professional music journal and also co-hosted a reception for college band directors during the 1983 CBDNA Conference in Atlanta.
During the 1983 National Convention, Michelle Stine, Epsilon Iota Chapter, addressed the Convention as the first winner of the Tau Beta Sigma Keynote Address contest. The Wava Turner Award was presented to Dr. Helen Brittin, Beta Sponsor and Professor at Texas Tech University. The Gamma Psi Chapter at Northeastern Oklahoma State University received the Chapter Leadership Award. All of the 1983 Top Ten Chapters participated in the first panel discussion for the convention participants. The Outstanding Service to Music Award was presented to Constance Weldon, Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of Applied Music in tuba and euphonium at the University of Miami in Florida. Ms. Weldon received her award at the 1984 District VIII Convention.
The 1983 National Intercollegiate Bands were directed by Dr. Donald Hunsberger and Professor James Sudduth. The Stars and Stripes Variations by Professor Robert Jager was premiered by the NIB Symphonic Band and conducted by the composer. The 1983 NIB Concert marked the continued growth and strengthening of both the Symphonic and Concert Bands.
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Bonnie L. Schuler Beta Sigma 1983-85 |
Bonnie L. Schuler was elected National President at the 1983 National Convention at Texas Tech. Many changes took place during her term, including the appointment of a new National Executive Director, David Solomon. That position was formerly known as Executive Secretary, but the title was changed to reflect additional responsibilities.
During Bonnie’s term as President, the Outstanding Service to Music Award was presented to Barbara Lovett. Susan Carr received the Wava Banes Turner Award for service to the Sorority. Bonnie presided at the National Convention at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. A highlight of the convention was the banquet address by Tom Batiuk, creator of the comic strip “Funky Winkerbean‰ and the well-known comic strip band director, Harry Dinkle.
Conducting the National Intercollegiate Band at Kansas was Dr. William P. Foster. The NIB band premiered the commissioned work by James Barnes, Chorale Prelude: Mein junges Leben hat ein End‚, Op 61. Robert Foster of the University of Kansas served as host conductor.
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Ann Cunningham Sheets Epsilon Beta 1985-87 |
Ann Cunningham Sheets was elected National President at the 1985 Convention at the University of Kansas. During her term of office, the National Intercollegiate Band was reorganized, with all administrative duties shifted to the National Office. Harry Begian and John Wakefield served as conductors for the NIB, and Jerry Bilik was the commissioned composer. His piece, Overture Alfresco, was premiered at the 1987 National Convention at the University of Michigan. Two persons, Dana Rothlisberger and Jennifer Judkins, were appointed as assistants to the NIB conductors.
In an effort to provide training and support for the student leaders of the Sorority and Fraternity, the District Presidents Conference for both Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi was begun, with the first conference being held at the National Headquarters in 1986 and the next being held prior to the National Convention. At the National Convention, the Sorority adopted a new Constitution, which combined the previous Constitution and Bylaws into one workable document. The delegates also adopted national policies on hazing and drinking.
During Ann’s two years as President, the Outstanding Service to Music Award was presented to Elizabeth A. H. Greene and to Patricia Garren. At the 1987 National Convention Mary Platt received the Wava Banes Turner Award and the Chapter Leadership Award was presented to the Beta Xi Chapter at the University of Florida. Paula Crider from the University of Texas was the first person to be appointed National Second Vice-President, with the responsibility of working directly with the music profession.
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Carla A. Robinson Alpha Gamma 1987-89 |
Carla A. Robinson was elected president at the 1987 National Convention held at the University of Michigan. She was first elected to the National Council in 1979 at Georgia Tech.
During her term of office, Roberta Winemiller, Alpha Xi, of Temple University was appointed to serve as National Second Vice-President during the 1987-89 biennium. In February 1988, the Joint National Councils initiated the first chapter survey to assist in organizational long range planning. The second survey was conducted at the conclusion of the 1989 National Convention.
Carla presided over the 1989 National Convention held at Oklahoma State University, where Guest Conductor John Paynter conducted the NIB Symphonic Band. The commissioned work Symphonic Canticle, by David Holsinger was premiered. The NIB Concert Band, conducted by Host Conductor Joe Missal, premiered a second commissioned work Athenian Festival, by Anne McGinty.
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Kathy Rodeffer Beta Eta 1989-91 |
Kathy Rodeffer presided over the 1991 National Convention at the University of Maryland. She served on the National Council from 1981-1991.
The 1989-91 biennium was one of significant member and financial growth for Tau Beta Sigma. A Chapter visitation program was developed with one of the purposes being to increase chapter attendance at the National Convention. The 1991 convention attendance was the highest it had been in over a decade. This National Convention was also the first convention where the National Intercollegiate Band rehearsals and convention business sessions were not held concurrently. The National Intercollegiate Band rehearsed prior to the convention with its concert being the official opening of convention activities. Ray Cramer of Indiana University conducted the NIB and the commissioned piece Hymn Variants by Alfred Reed was premiered at the concert.
The Outstanding Service to Music Award was presented twice during the biennium to composer Anne McGinty and to music educator and supervisor Mildred Reiner.
The Tau Beta Sigma ritual was re-written during the biennium by Wava B. Turner Award recipient Lenore Dolph. A new Tau Beta Sigma March, Crest of Allegiance by Robert Foster, was commissioned through a donation by Elizabeth Ludwig Fennell.
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Rita Becallo Garner Caviness Eta Beta 1991-93 |
Rita Becallo Garner Caviness was a Charter member of her chapter at the University of North Alabama. Following her installation as National President at the 1991 National Convention, the council acquired Stillwater Station to serve as the National Headquarters. One of Rita‚s strongest concerns for the biennium was the threat to the music education programs of the nationwide educational system. She realized the importance of this crisis to Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi and developed a campaign of awareness to improve the situation. Rita encouraged Districts to include seminars on Sorority issues and music clinics at their conventions. She also laid the foundation for a program to sponsor a clinician at a national level band director‚s convention. Seeing a need for chapters to conduct a self-evaluation procedure, she developed the Chapter Development Program. Dr. Ruth Brittin, Beta Chapter, of Syracuse University, diligently served as the Professional Liaison Officer for the 1991-1993 biennium.
Rita presided over the 1993 National Convention on the campus of Purdue University, where Dr. Paula Crider conducted the NIB and also received the Outstanding Service to Music Award. The commissioned work, Daystar Symphonic Variations for Wind and Percussion, by James Curnow was premiered.
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Jean Newman Zeta Xi 1993-95 |
Jean Newman was elected National President at the 1993 National Convention at Purdue University. She was first elected to the National Council in 1989 at Oklahoma State University.
During Miss Newman‚s term the first Tau Beta Sigma Chapter Field Representative, Miss Kimberly Trotter, was employed. This position added a new dimension to the National Headquarters and the National Council with a traveling National representative visiting chapters throughout the nation.
Project SOS (Save Our Station) was initiated to help with the newly acquired Stillwater Station and National Headquarters restoration. The Station is a historical location and the funds raised from Project SOS along with the Joint National Councils allocation of money provided for much-needed repairs and maintenance of the building.
Tau Beta Sigma celebrated its‚ 50th Anniversary with over 700 people in attendance at the 1995 Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma National Convention in Orlando, Florida. Many special Anniversary activities including the commissioning and presentation of a bust of the Founder of Tau Beta Sigma, Wava Banes Henry, highlighted the week‚s activities. The bust is on permanent display at the National Headquarters in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
The NIB premiered A Tuning Piece: Songs of Fall and Winter by David Maslanka. Dr. James Croft of Florida State University was the conductor of the fine ensemble. A highlight for the NIB participants was a special performance at EPCOT Center at Walt Disney World.
The Wava Banes Turner Award was presented to Mrs. Julie Ryan Kuhns, National President, 1981-1983.
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Gretchen Buchen Epsilon Kappa 1995-97 |
Gretchen C. Buchen was elected President at the 1995 National Convention, “An Anniversary Celebration,‰ held at the Hilton at Walt Disney World in Florida. She was first elected to the National Council in 1991 at the University of Maryland.
The celebration of Tau Beta Sigma‚s 50th Anniversary continued through 1996 with National Sisterhood Week March 23-30, 1996. The celebration concluded with the burial of the 50th Anniversary Time Capsule at Stillwater Station on August 10, 1996.
During the 1995-1997 biennium, great efforts were made to develop a new marketing strategy and revitalize the membership drive efforts. The Tau Beta Sigma Mission Statement was one of the primary results. Tying into the goals of the Mission Statement, the Women in Music Speaker Series was initiated and began at the 1997 District Conventions. A special newsletter “The Council Connection‰ was developed in order to communicate more regularly with district leaders. Projects such as “Membership Mania‰ and better colonization processes helped improve overall membership growth.
The 1997 National Convention was held at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona, hosted by the Chapters at the University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University, and Arizona State University. Celebrating its 50th Anniversary, the 1997 National Intercollegiate Band was conducted by John L. Whitwell, Director of Bands at Michigan State University, and premiered Rondo Jubiloso by John Zdechlik. Epsilon Omega at Morgan State University received the Chapter Leadership Award and Carla A. Robinson was awarded the Wava Banes Turner Award. The Women in Music Speaker Series was brought to the National Convention when composer Anne McGinty addressed the delegation at the opening separate session.
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Deborah Harris Kaplan Beta Xi 1997-99 |
Deborah Harris Kaplan, from the University of Florida, was elected National President at the 1997 National Convention in Scottsdale, Arizona. She was first elected to the Tau Beta Sigma National Council in 1991 at the University of Maryland.
Strategic Planning and improving joint relations were the central themes of her biennium. The roles of the National Council were redefined and clarified. Several new marketing tools were created for Tau Beta Sigma including a modernized colonization packet and some new brochures. The debt incurred from the purchase of Stillwater Station was more than halved. The National Councils of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma made time to get to know one another both personally and professionally. They conducted several round table discussions which dissolved the taboo subjects of the past, and they learned to depend on and trust each another. Tau Beta Sigma now has a predetermined plan for excelling in the 21st Century.
The 1999 National Convention was held at the Renaissance Airport Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, and hosted by the Chapters at the University of Missouri Rolla. The 1997 National Intercollegiate Band was conducted by David Waybright, Director of Bands at the University of Florida, and premiered “Unusual Behavior in Ceremonies Involving Drums” by Daniel Bukvich.
The first ever Stan J. Fink Award was presented to Gwen Wilburn at the banquet. Beta at Texas Tech University received the Chapter Leadership Award, and Judy Krech was awarded the Wava Banes Turner Award. Award winning composer Julie Ann Giroux spoke as a part of the Woman in Music Speaker Series shortly before she was presented with the Outstanding Service to Music Award and Honorary Membership in Tau Beta Sigma.
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Karon Miller Hammond Iota 1999-2001 |
Karon Miller 1999-2001 (Iota), from Baylor University, was elected National President at the 1999 National Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. She was first elected to the Tau Beta Sigma National Council in 1993 at Purdue University.
During her biennium, Karon plans to focus on the continued growth the sorority experienced in the previous biennium. With Kappa Kappa Psi National President Dr. Michael Golemo they will be working to focus on the need for better student leadership development especially at the District and Local chapter levels. Through this endeavor it is the plan that joint relations within the two organizations will continue to prosper. Seeing that the debt on the capital improvement is totally eliminated is a very important goal for Karon, one she fully intends to see happen.
Karon’s biennium will be very fruitful as the actions set in the Tau Beta Sigma Strategic Plan are continuously implemented. Tau Beta Sigma will see the implementation of the new scholarships, the Guide the Leadership Education, and several other exciting programs during her biennium.
Karon is most pleased to be a legacy both as an active member and as the President. Her mother Janet West Miller served as National President from 1955-57 and is a Life Member of the Board of Trustees. This is the first time in the history of the Sorority that a mother and daughter will have served as Presidents.
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Sylvia T. Halbardier Eta Epsilon 2001-03 |
Sylvia T. Halbardier is an initiate of the Eta Epsilon chapter at Southwest Texas State University where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Instrumental Music Education. After graduation in May of 1989, she moved back “home” to San Antonio, Texas, to begin her teaching career at Eisenhower Middle School as a band director where she works still to this day.
Her service to Tau Beta Sigma began in the fall of 1985. In her collegiate chapter, her offices included corresponding secretary, recording secretary, vice-president and president. Within the Southwest District, she served as Secretary (1988-89), Alumni Coordinator (1990-93) and Counselor (1993-97).
She was elected to the National Council in 1997. She has held the positions of Secretary, Vice President of Special Projects and Vice President for Colonization and Membership. She is also a member of the National Alumni Association, Mu Phi Epsilon, and honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi.
In addition to her involvement with Tau Beta Sigma, she has played with the San Antonio Municipal Band (1990-95). Sylvia helps with the Children’s choir at her church. She is also a Girl Scout Troop Leader in the San Antonio Area Council of Girl Scouts.
Sylvia and her husband, Will, have three daughters and one son.
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Debbie Baker Beta Xi 2003-05 |
Deborah Baker is the band director at Flat Rock Middle School in Tyrone, Georgia. She received her Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Florida. The Flat Rock Band program consists of 270 members. Under her leadership, the bands consistently receive ‘Superior’ ratings at District Band Festival. Her bands have performed at Walt Disney World, Six Flags Over Georgia, and Carowinds Band Festival. The Symphonic Band has been a featured band at the 2003 National Middle School Conference, the 2004 Southeastern United States Band Clinic, and was very proud to perform for Georgia Governor Perdue at the 2004 signing of the HOPE Scholarship Legislation.
Debbie is a life member of the Beta Xi chapter at the University of Florida. Over the years, she has held various national offices including: Southeast District Counselor (1991-1993), National Professional Relations Officer (1993-1995), Board of Trustees (1995-1999), Board of Trustees Vice Chair (1999-2001), and National Vice President for Colonization and Membership (2001-2003).
Debbie has been awarded “Teacher of the Year” at Perry Middle School in 1989 and at Flat Rock Middle School in 2003. She is a recipient of the George Angelluci Award for Outstanding Teachers and has served as a guest conductor for various honor bands. She is a member of Music Educators National Association, Georgia Music Educators Association, National Band Association, and Women Band Directors International. Debbie is an honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi.
Debbie is married to Glenn Baker (life member, Alpha Eta) who is an Air Traffic Controller. Their daughter, Belinda, is a high school percussionist. The Baker family resides in Fayetteville, Georgia.
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Kathy Godwin Omega 2005-07 |
Kathy became a member of the Omega chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at the University of Arizona in the fall of 1989. During her undergraduate years, Kathy played oboe, alto sax, and mellophone/horn in a variety of ensembles. She served in several leadership roles at the chapter level including Vice-President and President. Her service continued at the district level as Western District Vice-President. In May of 1996, the Omega chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Arizona extended to her the privilege of becoming an Honorary Member.
Kathy received her Bachelors degree in Engineering Physics in 1996. After graduating, she became a member of the NAA, served as President of the Western District Joint Alumni Association, and became a member of the NCDAA.
She now resides in Tucson, Arizona where she works for the University of Arizona as a Career Initiatives Coordinator for the Eller College of Management. In addition, the Beta Sigma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Purdue University asked her to become an Honorary Member of their chapter in the spring of 1998.
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Kimbi Sigle Eta Omega 2007-09 |
Kimbi has been a member of Tau Beta Sigma since 1988 when she was initiated into the Eta Omega chapter at Fresno State University. While a music education student, Kimbi held the chapter offices of president (1992 – 1994) and parliamentarian (1994 – 1995) as well as serving two terms as Western District president (1994 – 1996). She also served as vice-president of the Collegiate Music Educators National Conference chapter in Fresno. Kimbi was appointed as the Western District Counselor from 1998-2001. She served as the National Vice President for Communication & Recognition (2001-2003) and the National Vice President for Special Projects (2003 – 2005).
Mrs. Sigle is the Director of Bands at Roosevelt High School of the Arts in Fresno, California. Her main instruments are flute and saxophone but she also has percussion, trumpet, and color guard performance experience. She is a member of the California Band Directors Association, MENC, CMEA, is an honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi and a life member of Tau Beta Sigma.
At the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve 1998/1999 Kimbi married Benny Sigle. The two are now raising their children, India Marie and Melina Marin.
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Dollie McDonald O’Neill Psi 2009-11 |
Dollie McDonald O’Neill was initiated into the Psi Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at the University of Arkansas in December 1995 and has served the sorority Nationally as National Chapter Field Representative from 2000-2002 and all 4 elected National Offices on the National Council from 2003-2011. During Dollie’s biennium as National President, the accomplishments she focused on were growth, strategic planning, marketing, finances, communication, and improving joint relations. Membership growth was also at its highest, with welcoming 10 new chapters during the 2009-2011 biennium, and 17% of overall membership growth in the previous 15 years, being the highest active members to date for the sorority. The sorority was fiscally sound and had the highest growth in finances in sorority history. Also during the 2009-2011 biennium, Dollie spearheaded the movement to have a new strategic plan that resulted in the New Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and the alumni liaison on the National Council from Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association.
Dollie presided over the 35th National Convention in Colorado Springs, CO. During this National Convention the sorority celebrated its 65th anniversary and the National Historian, Lisa Croston introduced the “Chapter One” documents & book. This research documents Tau Beta Sigma History from 1939-1946 and during National Convention the National Council made the 1939-1946 Beta Chapter members, the women who originally commissioned for a National Tau Beta Sigma sorority, National Life members as they were not on the National member roster the previous 65 years. Also during the National Convention the Patsy Drury Hejl scholarship for Musical Achievement was officially named & the newly redesigned ‘’ website was unveiled for all members.
Dollie has had the privilege of being named an Honorary Member of the National Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, Lambda Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Arkansas and holds several Honorary memberships in Tau Beta Sigma on the chapter & District level. She is a Life Member of the Psi Chapter and is also a charter member of the TBSAA. Dollie is also a wife and mother of 2 daughters and her hobbies include traveling, running and college football!
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Dr. Dawn Farmer Omega 2011-13 |
Dawn Farmer was initiated into Tau Beta Sigma in the Fall of 1997. As a member of the Omega Chapter, she served as President, Membership Educator, and Parliamentarian. She was also active at the district level, serving as President and Vice President of Colonization and Membership of the Western District. While attending the University of Arizona, Dawn played in many ensembles including the Marching Band, Pep Band, and the Wind Symphony. A clarinet and French horn player, Dawn graduated with her Bachelors Degree in Music Education in May of 2002.
After graduating, Dawn moved to the Los Angeles area where she was the director of elementary bands in the Manhattan Beach Unified School district for four years. Concurrently, she was also the assistant band director of the award-winning Mira Costa High School Marching Band and the founding director of the Manhattan Beach Elementary Honor Band and Honor Strings ensembles. During this time, the Psi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi made her an Honorary Member of their Chapter. While living in California, Dawn was a member of the NAA, held multiple offices on the alumni level, played clarinet in community band, and became a Life Member of Tau Beta Sigma.
During the biennium, Dawn focused on documenting practices and policiesof the Sorority and protecting the legacy of the Sisterhood. It was during this biennium that our Founder, Wava Banes Henry, passed away and Dawn worked to commemorate and memorialize this important figure in multiple ways, including at the 2013 National Convention and in the initial designs of the Wava Memorial Garden and Tribute Pin.
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Dr. Nicole Sanchez Delta Eta 2013-15 |
Dr. Nicole Sanchez was initiated into the Delta Eta Chapter at Texas A&M University-Kingsville in the fall of 2001. On the chapter level Nicole served in many offices including Vice President, and President. Nicole also served as Vice President of Colonization & Membership and served as President of the Southwest District during the Sorority’s 60th year. At Texas A&M University-Kingsville Nicole played the french horn in the Pride of South Texas Javelina Marching band and in one of the school’s concert bands.
Nicole is a Life member of Tau Beta Sigma and an Honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi. Nicole had the privilege of being a charter member of the Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association and has also helped develop the Southwest District affiliate.
Nicole has Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Animal Science from Texas A&M University-Kingsville and received her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Animal Science at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX in 2010. Nicole currently works as a Research Animal Scientist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service in Lubbock, TX. Nicole is very active in her church music ministry, participating in the orchestra, chancel choir, and hand bell choir. In her free time Nicole enjoys reading, watching Nascar, and spending time with her husband, a high school Band Director, and their son.
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Dr. Kathryn Kelly Eta Delta 2015-17 |
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Jonathan Markowski Delta Delta 2017-19 |
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Adrienne Rall Theta Mu 2019-21 |
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Erika Pope Theta Theta 2021-23 |
Erika Pope was initiated into the Theta Theta Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Henderson State University on October 25, 1999. As an active member of the organization, she served in various leadership roles including chapter Vice President and chapter President, as well as Vice President of Colonization and Membership for the Southwest District from 2005-2006. She was a member of “The Showband of Arkansas” drumline where she was on the cymbal line, the bass line and the snare line in which she is proud to say she is one of only a few female snare players in the history of The Showband. She was also a member of the HSU Concert and Symphonic bands, and played auxiliary percussion for “The NuFusion Project,” which is HSU’s jazz fusion ensemble. Upon graduating from Henderson in 2005, she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Media with a focus in radio/television broadcasting and a minor in music.
Throughout the years, she has continued to serve Tau Beta Sigma in various capacities such as workshop presenting, advising committees, serving as a colony advisor/installing officer and from 2009-2015 she served as the District Counselor for the Southwest District of Tau Beta Sigma before being elected to the Tau Beta Sigma National Council in 2015. Erika moved through the ranks and served as the National Vice President for Communication and Recognition, National Vice President for Special Projects, National Vice President for Colonization and Membership, and in July of 2021, was elected to serve as the 39th National President of Tau Beta Sigma. She is a Life Member of both Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi and holds Honorary Memberships in a variety of local chapters in both organizations.
Erika currently lives in Memphis, Tennessee and works for the Department of Music at Rhodes College as the Musical Arts Coordinator. Along with her full time job, she also is a semi-professional musician playing drums and percussion for The Big Dam Horns and for singer/songwriter Raneem Imam w/Better In Color. In her spare time she likes running, road trips, watching movies, visiting historical places, and attending live music events around the country and the world.
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Siobhan Wilkes Bratcher Beta Zeta 2023-24 |
Siobhan Wilkes Bratcher was initiated into the Beta Zeta Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Stephen F. Austin State University in the spring of 2007. While at SFASU, she was a member of the Lumberjack Marching Band in the color guard as a member, captain, and choreographer. She played percussion with the University Concert Band and sang in the SFASU Women’s Choir. She is a past Chapter President and Vice President of Membership of Beta Zeta, and was very involved on the District Level as a student. Siobhan graduated from Stephen F. Austin in 2010 with a degree in Hospitality Administration with a minor in Marketing.
Siobhan was appointed as a Chapter Visitation Assistant in 2015 where she visited chapters within the Southwest District of Tau Beta Sigma to assist with chapter operations, interpersonal relations, and membership concerns. In 2017, Siobhan was elected as the National Vice President for Communication and Recognition for Tau Beta Sigma with a focus on increasing conversations among our members, as well as using recognition to increase member and chapter participation in National initiatives. She continued to serve on the Tau Beta Sigma National Council as National Vice President for Special Projects (2019-2021) and National Vice President for Membership and Expansion(2021-2023). She was elected the 40th National President of Tau Beta Sigma in 2023. Siobhan Wilkes Bratcher stepped down in early 2024 to focus on her growing family as she and her husband welcomed their first child.
Siobhan Wilkes Bratcher is a goal-driven hospitality professional with experience in customer relations, group sales, room management, and hotel revenue management. Siobhan’s hospitality career began on a property at a 400-room, full-service convention hotel in guest services. She quickly moved into a new role in group rooms and revenue management to support the hotel’s demanding group needs and revenue management. Siobhan uses her revenue management background to train and coach new revenue managers in Dallas, Texas and develops and facilitates continued education on revenue management topics.
Outside of her career and sorority volunteering, Siobhan loves to travel with her husband, Robert Bratcher (KKPsi Iota Zeta, North Carolina A&T), visit farmers’ markets and museums, and watch television.