History & Archives
It is often said that in order to know where we are headed, we must know where we have been. Developing a purpose – many times stemming from traditions and history – is essential for any organization to thrive and continue to succeed. Tau Beta Sigma is dedicated to the goal of preserving its past and setting the foundation for future success.
Tau Beta Sigma originally elected a National Historian at the 1947 National Convention in order that a complete history of the organization may be left in the archives of the sorority. Rosemary Wright (Alpha ’46) was elected and it was the wish of the sorority for her to compile all the records and achievements of the sorority for the past two years in the form of a historical report so that the customs and activities of the sorority could be recorded in such a manner that it will leave a tradition for the chapters in the future to follow (May 1947 Baton). This was the only year that this position was elected but 50 years later in 1997, Lisa Croston (Alpha ’85) was appointed to serve as National Historian. Lisa spent 2 years doing research, compiling historical documents and establishing a time line of events for the Sorority.
The first initiative towards actual preservation came in 2005 with Project Restoration Archives. This was the first capital campaign designated to raising funds and getting volunteers to the preservation of our Sorority artifacts. The top priority was to safe guard the petitioning documents of the Sorority and Project Restoration Archives raised enough money to provide an acid-free box for every chapter’s (active as well as inactive) petitioning documents as well as provide metal shelving to hold all of the boxes. During the next biennium, the National Council built upon this progress and formed a National Committee on History and Archives to be led by an appointed National Historian,
The National History and Archives committee, led by a National Historian, was developed in 2007 to assist in the cataloging and preservation of the sorority Archives as well as display theses contents in addition to updating historical information and creating new and exciting ways to share our history. This committee was selected by the National Council through an application process and hold regular conference calls and occasional work week weekends at Stillwater Station to accomplish their long list of goals.
The National History and Archives committee has spent many hours cataloging and sorting the items in the Sorority archives, scanning photos and establishing standardized policies and procedures. They have updated lighting, shelving, file cabinets and storage to protect historical documents as well as create a viewing room to showcase memorabilia and research. In 2011 the committee received a Preservation Assistance Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to have a site/collections assessment. Tau Beta Sigma contracted with Amigos Library Services who provided a very in-depth report of the Stillwater Station, our archives and documents as well as provide a 1-day workshop on preserving our historical documents. The History and Archives committee also published a complete history of the progress of a local girl’s band club to the creation of a National Sorority that was debuted at the 2011 National Convention in Colorado Springs, CO.
National History and Archives Committee:
Lisa Croston, National Historian and Chair (Alpha, ’85)
Renee Cartee’ (Zeta Psi, ‘96)
Bev Cohen (Zeta Delta, ’81)
Megan Hayward (Alpha Xi, ’06)
Alexis Holladay (Eta Omega, ’01)
Heather Marshall (Theta Psi, ‘03)
Aaron Moore (Alpha Rho, ’99-KKPsi, National Chapter, ’08-TBS Honorary)