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Welcome New CVAs!

Welcome New CVAs!

The National Council is excited to announce the appointment of the following Chapter Visitation Assistants, effective at the conclusion of the 2021 National Convention: Sydney Bleiweiss is a Life Member of the Beta Xi chapter at the University of Florida. During her...
Welcome New Counselors!

Welcome New Counselors!

The National Council is excited to announce the appointment of the following District Counselors. Chelsea’s appointment is effective upon her installation at the 2021 National Convention; Sara, Katie, Bridgette, Kat, and Linetta’s appointments are...

Open Call for District Counselors/CVA Positions

Sisters and Brothers of Tau Beta Sigma,At the 2021 Southwest District Convention, Tau Beta Sigma Counselor Ashlyn Simmons announced that she would be stepping down from her position after the 2021 National Convention. The National Council would like to thank Ashlyn...