The Alpha Mu chapter (#36) was installed at the Municipal University of Wichita on May 4, 1952. National President Frances Martin served as the installing officer, and members of the Alpha and Alpha Beta chapters performed the Ritual and Installation Ceremony. Charter members of the Alpha Mu chapter include:Patricia Bauman, Dorothy Anne Beach, Hazel (Roumel) Morford, Jo Ann Reaves, Shirley Ann (Addison) Webster, Polly Armstrong, Darlene Dugan, Teresa Jo Hajek, Jackie Holden, Barbara K. Leonard, Harriett Montford, Darlene Orth, Lois K. Payne, Martha Jean Reaugh, Doris Le Seley, Janice Darlene Seward, Dorothy Lee Siman, Norma Jeanne Toews, Elaine Tuggle, Shirley Walton, Ilomay Williamson, and James Leslie Kerr.